Role of natural medicine in future autonomous societies

12 min readJun 16, 2019

A lot of talk on how an autonomous, ‘tribal’ societies of self sustaining elves off the grid could actually be done in any success.

I met and spoke with such a group of elves yesterday, people given to the ideal of self sustainability and natural living. Highly liberal and in the same breath ‘salt of the earth’ people. These people, as well as i, want to live in a ‘karmically’ neutral stance. Which means doing no harm to animal or nature in it’s highest conclusion. With Buddha himself a call to Ahimsa, the number of adherents to non-violence in the world are plenty, from all cultures and races.

We believe that while we are a product of an affluent civilization, the only way forward in the future might be to ensure mechanisms for self sustainability beyond the reach of any government or medical institution. The toxicity and placidity of foods given us together with chemical toxication of all grades in water and all ecosystems is beyond reproach to a certain school of individuals. We believe that our systems for anything from medicine distribution, to water cisterns or energy supply, electricity, mobile off the grid infrastructures with zero footprint, are simply better alternatives, restorative to current destructive practices.

Us elves here, (and vampires) are gut sick of obvious crimes against humanity on many fronts; say fertilizer producers (who also produce war poisons.. looking at you B*yer), and agriculturalists who are splicing seeds. Round up, glyphosate, flouride, mercury, big oil… someone will eventually have to pay ‘restorations’ in the future. Let’s say 20 years, shall we? Before cancerous toxins are banned and perpetrators disgraced.

Let’s not even get to the naughty marriage of medical faculties with pharmaceutical lobbies. Is it not apparent to all these that us Europeans will simply not give two shits about how they hasten their own demise? We see everything and keep a strong checklist on all crimes against humanity. And how many people are killed by medical professionals? Being educated and immersed in ‘science’ is today trivia. Internet has leveled the playing field, do academics not understand that freedom fighters of any ilk can read their silly conjectures while exposing their biases comfortably?

Not even worthy of our concern. What i want to talk about are parallel medical care facilities, which we, the people of common sense will begin to setup many autonomous cells all over the world.

This is an age of cryptography, ladies and gents. It has spawned a technological wave of entrepreneurship which can enable much. We are from affluent countries after all, and for prodigious engineers, it makes so much sense instead of buying a Tesla for 40k, to establish a whole system of autonomous food production and distribution, for instance.

To build portable housing which is easily assembled and dis-assembled. 17k per house for two. Water system, filtration, air, and a green house inside it which produces highest value human foods in perfect uncontaminated conditions. How would anyone like that?

We will be able to build this for consumers, quite soon i hope, maybe in 5 years it will become more of an necessity.

But more importantly, we will build an alternative health care system. The cool thing about medicine of the future is (among other things) that hospitals are not required anymore, because it turns out, the body and only the body heals itself given the perfect conditions to do so. (though we will still have rogue hospitals for certain things)

Instead we will have travelling healers. We travel by car, off course. Hopefully a Tesla. Delivering not only food produced in our exquisite food factories, but also instruction manuals written in pleasant format, for older people, and in all languages. — Manuals of truth and health.

One basic tenet of natural hygiene ‘hospitals’ in the future as far as i’ve conceived is that the ‘patient’ needs to be fully informed of differing medical paradigms, so education is key to healing of a condition, because the ‘belief’ or placebo of healing has to be supported by a strong rational conviction, so that the subconscious does not ‘fight’ healing as much. Rational strokes for rational folks. So one is rational inquiry. But then also, emotional healing, counseling, and it could be said that emotional healing is the most crucial aspect. The best current institutes all include therapy in order to untangle the roots of illness and thus, are highly successful. Stages 4 cancers gone, healed, as if by no miracle, but an understanding of the human being.

And diabetes… that’s an easy one, but demands some discipline on the part of the student. All this heart disease and cancer and conditions of modern lifestyle are very rudimentary honestly. We want to talk to academics and government about more pressing issues like restoring biodiversity and integrity of the soils everywhere (like they do in Russia, btw). In the meanwhile, our methods for reversals of disease will continue to be in the 90th percentile effectiveness.

Who do the ‘Doctors’ think people will follow in the future, when on our side we have 90% success rate, and they have simply made a declaration of ‘chronic’ illness, which is basically ill forever? Are you a person who has been told that she will have a condition ‘forever’? I met a girl like that yesterday. Pisses me off and i would like to ask some of their doctors where their hippocratic oath is at. Or education for that matter. It pisses me off that i am more rigorous on their own science as a layman, more up to date. I’ve read the medical journals of the last 5 years or so. Have you Doc? Or did you stop learning the day after your diploma? In the days of most these academics, the terms microbiome didn’t even exist yet. The most high rank research is from 5 years ago now. Where are these doctors? Can’t you inquire of your profession? I swear that having seen tech engineers in action, medical professionals are found severely lacking in mastery. There is no mastery in the allopathic camp. We have mastery. Who are people going to listen to in the future, when the incompetence and gloominess you doctors represent is discarded in favor of the naturalists whose faces glow?

Few doctors are even healthy. Consider the healer of the future, who lives all that he teaches, and nothing less. Most people haven’t even seen an elf, you think we don’t exist. But you won’t understand a simple word play anyhow.

I could take this girl to the best institute in the world for natural medicine. I won’t even mention it’s name because this is near war times, and people gloat.

For about 6 grand total i could take her there. Why does it cost so much, you might ask? We do after all live in a free market economy. I am not economically liberal, i believe in market forces. The institute which has healed tens of thousands of all form diabetes alone, in a single month of rigorous protocol, with practically 100% success rate, is very valuable and rare nowadays, you see.

This institute is realistically so valuable in today’s medical climate, that if it had a stock (which they don’t) it would be a great investment. When thousands of rich people in EU let’s say, start slowly dying, and find out about this institute, they would flood the modest capacity of the institute, it wouldn’t even be feasible. it’s simple economics.

So the cost is quite high partly to deter the flooding of masses. It’s not selective or biased, it’s not immoral simply because you can’t accept that many patients.

Every patient matters there, you see.. there’s counseling, and highly evolved people who are ‘pure’, together with the best chefs who prepare saintly food. People don’t understand personalized holistic medicine. Let me tell you; when you are assigned one of our ‘nurses’ people begin to sweat just in their presence. People begin to open up and all veils and ills are begin to be lifted from within. How many people have had an enlightening conversation recently? We do it everyday in the Elven community. Don’t underestimate truth in the fight for economic dominance!

Why am i saying this, okay; There is only a handful of such institutes today, and the prices are sky high because of the amazing, life saving value they provide.

Where i see my role is in that i am collecting the entire legacy of natural hygienists, the whole corpus starting with Pythagoras, who is our cultural forefather all the way to the living masters like Gabriel Cousens and Lou Corona.

I’ve taken the corpus of knowledge and archived it. I am now transitioning to merge my hygienist knowledge with economic thought, predicting a much needed public service in future societies. I believe that we can pull off amazing things will Bitcoin money. It’s a gamble. If it rises even to 60 or 100k, we can pull everything off. Literally only thing stopping us from autonomous healthcare is some money and goodwill, so it’s all good, money is easily accrued this day. The bitcoin money will be donated as well, so we really don’t even care about govt funding at this point.

I will devote my future intellectual effort in order to establish healing centers in the vein of the fore mentioned institute. We hope to merge with this institute so that we can fine tune all our protocols and reach their counsel in any emergency. Off course we need to have medical doctors on board as they do, blood testing, laboratories, all the rest. It will not be a problem in the future because as it turns out, 18 year old vegan girls with a bunch of pristine information from the interwebz are now thinking of signing in to medical college. Ha! What do you think happens when these girls finish the silly degrees, get access to establishment shit, but believe the enlightened narrative of the future health care with all their empathic hearts? Educated people will join us once our systems are ready and funded.

We will level the playing field, democratize natural health care. We will help unburden the few, super elite hygienist institutes today by creating small cells accessible to more people around the world. In doing so we will also obfuscate the legendary institute from being targeted, because then there will be more targets for our ideological enemies with guns. But they will not be able to stop us.

We will hopefully, (with Bitcoin money, mind you.) build health care centers in the light of all enlightened principles, for all the world to partake in the most distilled healthcare wisdom since the times of Pythagoras.

Not only that but we will open source the information. We will put it on the Bitcoin Blockchain. Open, public, for all to download, for all time. how will the Farmakia like that? You better get us in the next few months, because the truth about health will be open sourced very soon.

We will create programmed filters for databases. New kinds of databases which are half intuitive. You will search through the repository of natural healthcare on the blockchain and find lists of associated requirements, guidelines, all of it. All highly vetted to be ‘approved by the consensus of enlightened council of elves’ And you bet there are powerful women in our camp. Vandana Shiva is the most honorable living person in the movement.

As mentioned before; no amount of money can change the fact that all who desire to heal must eat living fresh, uncontaminated foods, everyday. That is why our healthcare model is heavily based around food production and distribution.

We will build semi autonomous farms that produce the highest quality foods which must reach their target consumer as fast as possible. one hour to target is optimal. So our facilities would ideally be located such that food travels for no longer than an hour. That is a narrow dispersion.

If the EU doesn’t restrict our use of low flight space, i foresee the use of drones to deliver foods by air, promtly, to geo-tagged drop locations. No problem. An existing Indian startup can build a drone capacity super cheap for us even today. But we don’t have government support, yet. (and we will in some places in EU)

We want to produce alternative medicine. Which is illegal. Thank you very fucking much. We will just have to do it regardless and just not legally ‘name it’ medicine, then. But the food we will distribute is for all intents and purposes, medicine. You will just refuse to listen to Hippocrates himself.

So, we have the knowledge, we have empirical basis for all manner of ailments being demonstrably curable with a radical lifestyle adaptation. It takes up to six months of disciplined study of naturalist mastery in order to restore the body and mind fully in near all cases. If our methods do not work, it is because the patient is not ready for it. Once the disease has progressed enough, you might be ready. And very few are even willing to get better. We tend to entertain suffering in ailments as humans. Guilt.

Even if you are mentally ready to get better right now… you don’t have many places to go. This is what bothers me. I can help close people but not many people. I wish i would be more ready to help people heal right now. I need the money. I will setup an entire factory and employ Elven drivers of food in six months if secured funds.

I would even employ a lawyer, in order to check everything we are saying , promising, in order to not get taken down by the jealous establishment. I can’t follow this legal crap these days. I know people do not like mavericks healing their patients which otherwise sick bring them money.

But it will be a free market and it won’t matter because the law is on our side. People will simply accept that in our institutes people get healed, and that in the establishment medicine, they generally get.. well not better.

The establishment medicine will still have a stake and be reformed, they are excellent in first aid response. Hands down these guys save lives. They understand the ‘physical’ body and can bring it back to life. They can give a penicillin here and there to great success. But as far as lifestyle diseases of our time are concerned, be it Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes, Auto immune disorders, even Autism… on all these front we will build much better support centers in the near future. They exist today but are too exclusive. It is my vision to help architect a promulgation of enlightened healing centers, together with self sustainable infrastructure for autonomous zero footprint communities. I see it as totally doable. If it’s only a money problem for making it, it’s not a problem.

So just so you understand… do you really think if i pitch this to a Bitcoin billionaire over a beer, he would not say ‘Yes, please take x amount of BTC into this project, i want my name as sponsor on this as it grows in the future.’

Which evolved, enlightened, woke billionaire would not want to be a benefactor of such a project? Many new billionaires are good people, and many more young billionaires even more so. And we don’t need even a billion to build resilient systems. Say approximately 150k per proof of concept facility for starters. 150k is peanuts to many philanthropists today.

The business model is that eventually our services and products (healing food) is charged for, but at a rate much lower than the top tier institutes today. We won’t undercut anyone out of business because so many people will begin to catastrophically fail in health in the next decades. Elections everywhere will be dominated not by talk about immigration, but about health care crisis. And we will be ready, on the periphery. With cheap healing centers (150k per unit is nothing compared to existing institutions budget today) already sprouting all over the place, a working model for alternative health care will be discussed on a governmental level, and people will flock to this new alternative as opposed to the legacy medical facilities.

Because of the collective toxic load on the soil, water and air (did you know that we breathe micro plasticides in the air?) health will decline globally. I don’t know whether to believe that institutions today are so remarkably devious that they recommend foods that cause disease and downplay the role of diet in disease prevention just so they can maintain their monopoly? Don’t underestimate truth, or new philosophical rhetoric. We are coming to speak to people’s hearts, not wallets or mere minds. Truth will prevail not because it’s truth, but because its effective.

To conclude, i have a message for young mothers, or women thinking to be pregnant. Where can you ensure the best healthcare for you baby in the future, if you go live in some hippy commune? I’m sure many would be tempted to go live apart from the world, maybe it is your dream, but then you are put off by the lack of facilities that liberal minded free folk lack. Where will you secure not just access, but the best of the best medical care for you and your child?

We will be ready. In 5–10 years, exhaustive manuals will be written. Hopefully our centers can boast all the necessary medical equipment without any of their poisons. If we do go the route of equipment for full capacity for baby deliveries, then we need a budget well above 150k (note to patron).

But money is no problem. Inspiration is. Ingenuity. If someone gave us this money now, what would us, elves, do? Are we ready to rise up to the enormous challenges of the future? Are we ready to provide child-friendly eco villages, complete with sustainable architecture?

We need farmers, handymen, people who teach, people who play, and couples who want to have enlightened children. If we cannot have enlightened children then there is no hope for us anyway. We should only agree to create a heaven on earth if we agree to also populate it for the next generation. Then, perhaps the stewardship over nature mentioned in Genesis 1 can be restored. Custodian of nature. To me this means a protector of it’s integrity, and not a violator and exploiter of it. This is worth doing.




Musician, writer, libertarian philosopher and gun enthusiast.